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Georgina Armstrong

I made a dress inspired by fashion from the 1850's, an era that was evident in the rise of the first wave of feminism. I have always been interested in historical fashion and modern history, thus I combined elements from both eras, and came up with the idea for my major project. One main reason why I also decided to create my project is that a lot of young women in out, society are uneducated in the history of feminism, which has led us to take for granted the basic rights that were fought for in the first wave of feminism. It also came to my attention that most people fail to educate themselves on feminism or are dismissive of it completely, and I found that a majority of people tend to dismiss the rights that the women in the first wave worked so hard to fight for. It was therefore my goal to create a dress that educated people on first wave feminism and the women who laid out the basic human rights the women have access to today. This project taught me a lot about the long-winded history of feminism and gave me an extensive look into the future of feminism. I also learnt a variety of skills whilst crafting my dress, that I believe will become unbelievably valuable to me in future project making.

For more D&T major projects click on the student photographs below. 

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